CDR Tool Data Analyst Course
The Collision Safety Institute offers the longest continuously offered CDR Data Analyst course available anywhere. The content and materials for the course are refreshed frequently to keep current with this ever expanding technology. For those who have completed the basic CDR Technician Course, this CDR Tool Data Analyst course provides insight into the function of the automobile Event Data Recorder (EDR) function or subcomponent, interpretation of the recorded data as well as expanded analytical skills enabling the appropriate application of a Bosch Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) Tool generated data translation report to a situationally complete crash reconstruction.
Using traditional reconstruction techniques such as momentum applications, an understanding of delta-V and PDOF and admissibility hearing issues unique to this technology as the basis for the course objectives, the CDR Data Analyst course is both a natural extension of the CDR Technician training and an expansion of a reconstructionist’s skill set.
There is no hands on “downloading” activity in this class since it is assumed that those in attendance have recently completed the Technician course and understand that process along with the underlying concepts of data storage in the EDR subcomponent, CDR software troubleshooting and related error messages and their solution(s). For that reason, there is no need to bring a complete CDR Tool to this course. However, attendees must have a computer because course materials and exercise data sets are delivered digitally. Activity in this course is focused on reading, understanding and applying a CDR Tool data translation report to a normal, situationally complete reconstruction.
Working first with Vetronix to help develop the first CDR Tool training series and then with Bosch uninterrupted since 2000, CSI continues to offer unparalleled, comprehensive and detailed training and support on the Bosch CDR Tool data for reconstruction applications. Current content of the CDR Data Analyst’s Course covers the very latest in crash data from all supported manufacturers and is up-to-date with the latest version of the CDR Tool software.
This constantly refreshed course remains the single most thorough, industry leading, most widely recognized, CDR Data Analyst course available anywhere. Don’t be short changed or mislead by individuals proposing some sort of combination technician/analyst, “EDR methodologies” or “update” class as having anything comparable to the content or completeness offered here. Other recent upstarts are just that: light on experience and real, meaningful value. Anything else is simply out-of-date “EDR Light.”
Major CDR Data Analyst course topics include:
- Terms and conventions the potential CDR Data Analyst may not be familiar with that are specific to this technology including crash pulse data recording strategies, and CDR System software function (hexadecimal data to plain language and CDR tool data translation report format basics). Significant detail includes the impact of 49CFR563 on the crash data that is and is not available.
- Manufacturer specific information always including the latest coverage for the various manufacturers as supported by the latest version of the CDR Tool software.
- As part of the course, there are several practical and relevant hands on exercises including integral calculus applications for recorded crash pulse data (attendees must bring a laptop!), the effect of tire size change, calculating vehicle speed from wheel RPM, closing velocity calculations, PDOF from crash data, techniques for connecting data to a given investigation and much more.
Course Hours
This course is conducted during a very full 40 hours over 5 days starting at 8am and ending at about 5:00PM/17:00hrs on the last day of the course. (Some course offering times may vary by location and facility). Please make your travel arrangements to allow for ample time to get to the airport and go through security after the completion of the course on the last day assuming the class will close at 5PM. Given the volume of material, this course does not usually end earlier than 4:30PM (1630hrs) on the last day and may run later depending on the course flow relative to the involvement and interest level of those in attendance.
Required Equipment
- A laptop computer with at least Adobe Acrobat Reader, a spreadsheet program (i.e.: Microsoft Office Excel), the Window’s calculator installed on the laptop or a scientific calculator. Ideally, administrative rights to the computer for full access to functions. Course materials and course projects are distributed digitally during the course to be read/worked on with your laptop.
- Neither the CDR Tool software nor hardware is not required for this course but having the latest version of the CDR software installed would be beneficial.
The Technician courses may be listed on the Technician Course page or available separately at the Events tab at
Check back here before the class start date for potential CDR Data Analyst class location updates or changes. We don’t normally make hotel recommendations but, where and if we have suggestions, they are listed with the class location below. Please see the FAQ section for more.