About us

About us

The Collision Safety Institute (CSI) is an independent traffic collision research, training and crash consulting organization. Since 2002, CSI’s mission has been to provide state-of-the-art training and technology transfer to both public and private entities involved in the analysis and evaluation of motor vehicle collisions, provide technical support to professional associations and organizations in their training efforts and conduct testing and research on surface vehicle collision topics and related technology.

CSI continues to offer the longest standing training courses on the use and application of the Bosch CDR Tool. Current content of the CDR Data Analyst’s Course covers the very latest from every supported OEM through the latest version of the CDR Tool software. CSI’s CDR Tool Analyst course is often copied but never duplicated.

Contact us to schedule training at your location or find out more about courses which may be ongoing but not listed.

W. R. Rusty Haight

  • Director, Collision Safety Institute
  • Rusty has taught crash reconstruction at the Texas Engineering Extension Service, TEEX, Texas A&M University and, since 2002 as director of the Collision Safety Institute. He has taught CDR related courses since the earliest Vetronix training seminar in 2000 and has conducted extensive EDR specific research.