Collision Safety Institute

The Collision Safety Institute (CSI) is an independent traffic collision research, training and crash consulting organization.


Collision Safety Institute Course Listings
CDR Tool Data Analyst

Only the Collision Safety Institute offers the longest standing continuously offered CDR Data Analyst course available with constantly updated and current content and materials.

Analysis of Pedestrian Involved Collisions

An opportunity to explore, in depth, concepts and relationships between trajectories, pedestrian motion in collisions and methods of approximating impact speeds based on a variety of long established models or equations.

Advanced EDR Data Analysis

A deeper dive into the nuances of Tesla, Hyundai and Kia data as well as active safety data elements supported by practical case examples and exercises.

Damage and Energy Applications

Conceptual and practical relationships between damage, energy, delta-V and barrier equivalencies together with the application of those concepts in crash reconstruction.

CDR Tool Technician Train-the-Trainer Course

Designed for those who are already familiar with the CSI CDR Tool Technician materials, this course prepares individual instructors to properly use and effectively teach and mentor others in the use of the CDR Tool as well as Technician courses for the Tesla EDR Tool and the Hyundai and Kia EDR Tools.


The Collision Safety Institute offers other crash investigation and analysis courses, most frequently on a contractual basis but occasionally in an open enrollment setting. Check our calendar for upcoming courses as the schedule changes often.

W. R. “Rusty” Haight

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Collision Safety

The Collision Safety Institute (CSI) is an independent traffic collision research, training and crash consulting organization. Since 2002, CSI’s mission has been to provide state-of-the-art training and technology transfer to both public and private entities involved in the analysis and evaluation of motor vehicle collisions.

Crash Data Retrieval

The Collision Safety Institute is the premiere EDR Data and Crash Data Retrieval Tool training and research group and is the home of the longest standing industry standard training program for the Bosch Crash Data Retrieval (CDR) Tool use and EDR data analysis.

Crash Research and Testing

The Collision Safety Institute is a clear leader in crash research and technology transfer. Partnered with Collision Magazine and the EDR Summit, papers and articles by CSI and affiliate researchers are cited worldwide in litigation, regulation and research. In support of crash research, CSI has conducted live, fully instrumented and documented crash tests for research and conference support longer than any other organization. We have performed hundreds of fully instrumented and documented crash tests all over the world throughout North America and in South America, Europe, and Australasia.